Thursday, March 20, 2014

This Clock Drives Me Cuckoo: Amana Furniture Shop Hawkeye Clock

If you have never been to the Amana Colonies, go now. Seriously, stop reading and go. You will find so much stuff to do. My parents used to take our family there once in a while and it was always one of my favorite places to go. The meat & cheese shop and brewery? Heaven. The restaurants? Fantastic. My girlfriend loves the chocolate shops and winery. But one of the most interesting shops is the Furniture and Clock shop. You tour the floor and get to see homemade clocks and wooden furniture being made before your eyes, and are able to buy these items in the shop. It is really cool if you have never seen it done before.

I messaged the Furniture store, and they said the clock is an Amana Cube clock and would have been built in the late 70's and early 80's. The original price would have been about $35 dollars. They told me it was a very popular clock and the dial was a custom order, as all Hawkeye dials were custom up until a few years ago.

Price Paid: $6.95
Bought At: Muscatine Salvation Army
Condition: Good. Some scratches but overall very nice
Going For: $35 Dollars in 1980, who knows now?

I love homemade items, and there is no better quality work than the awesome people in the Amanas. Seriously go visit them. Go now.

Go Hawks!

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